Iron from Ice is the first episode of Telltale’s game based on the Game of Thrones universe created by George RR Martin. The series narrates the story of the Forrester noble House, Stark vassals who guard the precious ironwood, the hardiest wood of Westeros. After the dark events of the […]
Crusader Kings II: a strategy game for roleplayers
Crusader Kings II is a strategy game released in 2012. You play as a ruler of medieval Europe that must ensure his dynasty survives the trials and machinations of his rivals during 700 years of history. The game allows you to play a multitude of characters, from a puny count to […]
Tye: birth of a PBM and lessons learnt
Tye is our series of computer-assisted play-by-mail games. These are strategy games that oppose a dozen players on a map divided into territories, with weekly turns. By collecting resources, expanding their territory and purchasing buildings, players raise large armies to conquer the surrounding lands. The goal is to conquer a location at the center […]
Shadow of Mordor: a goulash of orcs we love to hate
With the intention of going through a 3-4 hours game session, I sat down with Shadow of Mordor. Eight hours later, after a marathon session and liters of spilled orc blood (and a little tad of human blood), I realized that it was already three in the morning. It had been a long […]
Broforce: kick-ass justice!
So, with a friend of mine we wanted to find a nice game, with hotseat mode. We found one! Okay, we admittedly were looking for a strategy game, but unless you already know the game, you easily spend an hour or two to understand the game and its rules. Additionally, hotseat games […]