
R & R Productions is a game development company: role playing games and games by mail.

The founders of R & R Productions:

Régis loves roleplaying games and consumes stories as novels, comic books, video games, films and TV series to satiate his hunger for wonder. He writes scenarios for R&R and is a notoriously too kind game master.

Reto likes scenarios that make a satirical or weird link with reality and gladly adds a little humor and chaos to adventures.


  • Hélène: art “A six-shooter and a star”
  • Fabien: Programming
  • Thibault: art “Tye 2” and “3 Tye”
  • Valerie: art “Tye 3” and “Assault Frontal”

We are always looking for one or more illustrators / designers to visually enhance our creations. If you are interested please contact us.



Tye 2 Amashur the first of our automated play by mail is programmed in PHP with GD library and mysql. The game is now finished.

The saga continued in another universe with Tye 3 Cállainn which has also finished.

Assaut frontal

Es Gar: role playing orc game. Original role play game is in the final phase of writing. It should come out soon or later.

Adventures for Savage Worlds

A six-shooter and a star (english translation is forthcoming)

A cow and a quack  (english translation is forthcoming)